Rules and Regulations

Meylan Kendo Club Rules and Regulations

(updated August 2018)


Article 1 – These hereby rules and regulations comply with the French Judo-Jujitsu, Kendo and Associated Disciplines Federation rules and regulations.


Article 2 – Membership

To be an active member, the registration form must be filled in and signed with parental permission for minors and annual membership must be paid to be approved by the board. The FFJDA permit is compulsory to be a member of the Meylan Kendo Club.

A medical certificate mentioning “Aucune contre-indication à la pratique du Kendo” (No contraindication for kendo practice) is compulsory.

Honour member title is granted to a natural person or legal entity for services to the Club. The decision is taken by the executive committee thanks to a secret ballot. The concerned party must obtain three-quarter of the votes.

On the registration form, the annual membership and FFJDA permit fees are given as well as the payment means.


Article 3 – Discount and membership exemption

In order to thank people who are actively invested in the Club life, Club trainers are exempted from the annual membership.

Executive committee members benefit from a fifty percent discount on their annual membership.

The change of the membership fee does not change the member’s rights.


Article 4 – Minor Members

Minor members are in charge of the Club trainer at the training times, location (training room) specified on the Club website ( The Club does not engage its responsibility for minor members outside the training room and times.

The parents who drop off their children will have to ensure the Club trainer or assistant is present inside the room. Parents are responsible for their children until the trainer has arrived at the room (dojo). In case of an incident occurring during the travel parking lot – dojo or dojo – parking lot, the Club cannot be held responsible.

For trainings outside the usual room, or for championships, minor members are in charge of a trainer or a person appointed beforehand by the Club, at time and place written on the notification. The Club cannot be held responsible if the trainer or appointed person could not take in charge the minor members, for reasons beyond his/her control or not. In that case, parents are responsible for their children. Transportation is guaranteed by parents or under the responsibility of another family to whom, parents have entrusted with their children. If transportation is organised by the Club, a transportation permission will be signed by the child legal representative. Transportation are guaranteed under the vehicle driver responsibility (legally insured). The Club civil liability cannot be sought in case of an accident.


Article 5 – General assembly

General assembly notification must be sent by mail or email to the members of the society at least fifteen days prior to the date of the meeting. This notification includes the agenda.

The general assembly agenda is decided by the board. The latter must take into account the questions submitted by the active members at least twenty days prior to the date of the meeting. The general assembly debates and decides on the questions included in the agenda. The proxy vote is authorised if the proxy is shown at the beginning of the general assembly (cf article 9 of the statutes).


Article 6 – Executive committee

The executive committee is composed of 6 members, according to article 6 of the society statutes.

The functioning of this executive committee is ruled by articles 6 and 7 of the statutes.

The executive committee meetings are led by the president who, if absent, design one of the executive committee members to replace him.

The executive committee can be summoned anytime by the president if needed.

All members of the executive committee can write to the president to ask for one or more broad questions to be added to the agenda of the meeting ;  a show of hands at the beginning of the meeting will decide whether each question is kept on the agenda. This questions must be sent, at least, 24h prior to the meeting.


Article 7 – Board

The board is composed of the president, secretary, treasurer, if needed a vice-secretary and vice-treasurer.

The board applies the decisions of the executive committee, studies the cases concerning the different points of the agenda of the next executive committee meeting and deals with current affairs.

The president can ask for the opinion of the board before taking a decision on important and urging matters.


Article 8 – Equipment and place

For active members not owning equipment, the Club lends armours during lesson hours. All voluntary deterioration can lead to a damages request from the Club for repairs. The amount of the damages is decided by the executive committee.

The active members have to comply with the sport equipment usage rules defined by the Meylan townhall council.

They need to change clothes in the changing rooms and keep their belongings inside a bag, which is stored in the room. The Club has no responsibility in case of loss or theft.

For the safety of everyone, practitioners have to check their equipment and especially their shinaï before each training.

The practitioner commits to following hygiene rules linked with barefoot training.

The trainer or the president can prevent a practitioner from training if the latter may endanger the others.


Article 9 – Accounting

A full and complete accounting of all expenses and incomes of the society is held. The budget procedures are approved and controlled according to the statutory provisions. 


Article 10 – Commissions

The commissions are entitled to deal with activities they are entrusted with and study every project concerning their object. The commission composition is proposed by the designed head of the commission and is approved by the board.

The commissions find out about everything that is linked to their purpose, make proposals but the final decisions are the ones of the board.


Article 11 – Communications

The responsibility of circulars, bulletins, written and audiovisual documents falls to the president, who can delegate to the secretary or another member of the executive committee.


Article 12 – Technical committee

  • All Club graduated trainers are members of the technical committee.
  • Non-graduated assistants can take part in the meetings but their vote is consultative only.  
  • All technical decisions of the technical committee are voted by its members during the meetings.
  • In case of a draw for a vote, the vote of the technical director is prioritized.
  • A training schedule for the month/trimester to come will have to be created and be available for consultation by the technical committee and the board. This schedule will detail the person in charge of the training and the course outline.
  • If the trainer in charge of a training is not available, another trainer will be able to consult the schedule and take over.
  • If the trainer in charge is more than 5 – 10 min late, another trainer will take over. 
  • The technical objectives for the season are defined and voted by the technical committee.
  • The technical committee can be summoned by the technical director or by at least the half of the committee members. The members will have to be notified at least one week prior to the meeting date. 
  • An agenda will be attached to the notification sent by the technical director.
  • The technical committee members can ask for other points to be discussed by simply sending a request at least 24h prior to the meeting.

It is necessary that all trainers take part in the organisation of the schedule, in order to motivate everybody through a common project.

All Meylan Kendo Club trainers are required to comply with these rules.

A 3/4 voting members quorum is required for the meeting to be valid.


Article 13 – Trainer and technical director’s grant

In order to balance the time trainers give to the Club, Club graduated trainers benefit from an 80 € annual grant for buying equipment. 

The technical director, also a trainer, benefits from a 100 €  annual grant.